A retelling of the first journey (of all time)

Milk Quest Repasteurized Title Screen

After awaking from a strange dream, a man named Fezhead decides to cope by drinking his favorite drink: Milk. Unfortunately, it looks like Fezhead is all out of milk! Wandering to his dresser, he finds a mysterious portal, falling into a strange world of tricks and traps...

If Fezhead wants to survive, he'll have to keep his wits about him, and try and find any way out. But with a rambunctious child, a strange guardian and others on his tail, it won't be easy.

  • Three worlds with three levels each
  • Two different campaigns: Play as both Fezhead and Kid as they try to escape the void!
  • Collectable items each giving Fezhead and Kid new skills
  • Time Trials, Tough Level Ranks & Achievements to keep you playing
  • The best Milk Quest soundtrack to date! (It's GOOD??)
  • Advanced Dust Artificial Intelligence routing systems
  • Milk Quest Repasteurized Main Menu. Fezhead exploring The Inbetweens.

    Fezhead and Smokey in Smokey's Cave having a conversation about trustworthyness. Fezhead finds out he has no milk in his fridge.

    Watch out for a demo sometime during 2024 early 2025!